Firstly I made a list of all of the names I wanted to call my magazine and after thinking about it for a long time, I decided to use vanity.
I then randomly selected fonts to change the way to write the word ‘Vanity’. I then looked at them all individually and am indecisive on a few of them so I will have a look at them differently.
These are the 5 fonts that I am indecisive on. I then look through which font and think about which will be most appropriate for my magazine and I decided to go with the second from the top font as that seems to fit my magazine more.
Once I had chosen my font I thought of different ways I could change the look of the word to make it my own design and to see how it would fit my magazine.
I firstly changed it to have a thicker black outline as the original font seemed to be a bit boring and didn’t match my magazine very well. However, I still think it looks boring after and needs to be changed again.
I then thought that changing the colour of the font would make it seem interesting and would bring some colour onto the front pace. However, I still feel that it needs to have something added to it as it does not seem to be the right title.
I then decided to changes the colour of each letter to make it stand out more and to seem more interesting. I feel that this was succeeded, however, I still felt as though some changes still needed to be made.
I then decided to colour in the letter V to make it seem a bit different make it seem more exciting. However, I came to the conclusion that these different colours of the letters made the writing seem too childish and therefore does not fit the style of my magazine.
Final Decision
I then changed it back to be all red, keeping the V coloured in to make it stand out more. I have decided to leave the colour of my title like this due to the research, I realised that most magazines used red at their title as it is a sign of excitement and danger, which is what I want my magazine to look like. I decided to keep the inside of the letters colourless and keep the inside of the V red to make the title different from other magazine title. I am happy with my final title as I feel it is the best fit for my magazine as it goes with the theme of my magazine.