This‘We ♥ Pop’ magazine I feel is a good magazine. The reason for why I think this is a good magazine cover is because the colours they have used are bright colours and so it would attract the audiences’ eye. Also this magazine is roughly for girls around the ages of 10 to 18 similar to my magazine. This is shown with the colours they use and the people they have put on the magazine.
However, in some ways I do not think this magazine is the best because it seems to be over crowded with writing and it seems like there is too much on it so it makes the audience not want to read it because there is too much on the cover. Also this magazine cover seems to be a bit too young for my audience and childish.

This‘Q’ magazine is another good music magazine. This is because the model on the front page is of a popular singer. This magazine is generally aimed at people of an older age around 13-25. This is because Lana Del Rey’s music wish is the same age group as my magazine as this is classed as an indie/pop magazine because it doesn’t seem so sweet and innocent like the previous magazine cover, this is shown with the blood on her head. Also I’ve noticed the magazine is advertising festival which is also for people of the older age so this would attract the age group more.
However, I also feel the same with this magazine cover and the last, I feel there is too much writing on and it seems too over crowded. But I do feel that there is less writing which makes it better. I also feel there are too many colours which can confuse the reader.
These two magazine covers I feel are the best and the most appropriate. This is not only because Katy Perry is on the front of both of them but because the cover does not seem over crowded with writing so it would not confuse the reader. Also not a lot of colours are used so that also makes it so it is not confusing. Also it contains a popular singer that people from the ages of 13 to 25 listen too which is the age group I want to sell my magazine to. It also contains all of the information needed to let the reader know what is inside.
However, I don’t like the way they have put the model over the writing of the title because people don’t really know what the title of the magazine is. I also feel that the magazine in the left should not have covered the model with flowers because I feel it is too distractive. Also the cover on the right I feel is too revealing for younger people to read.
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