School Magazine Brief
I am going to design a magazine cover for a Grammar School called ‘Roselands Grammar School’. This school is a quite large school containing 1,000 pupils with 150 teachers. The audience this magazine is aimed at is all of the parents of the students currently at Roselands Grammar School and also to the parents of Children who would consider coming to this school. The purpose of this magazine is to update the parents with all of the changes that will be happening at the school and also to try and convince new students attending.
This magazine cover is for a summer camp. However the layout if this magazine if similar to the way I would like my magazine to be laid out. For example the bright colour behind the title which brings the eyes of the audience toward it. Also the bold writing of what the purpose of the magazine is which draw attention to it. Also the background image is clear and shows the reader what the magazine is roughly about without reading the headings.
However, the font and the way the magazine is set out quite plain and boring and doesn’t make the reader seem very interested. Also I wouldn’t use the red banner as it is inappropriate for the type of magazine I am making for a comprehensive school. Also the writing doesn’t match what the magazine is about. For instance, the magazine is about summer camp which is fun whereas the writing is boring and makes the reader think that the camp may be boring too.
This is a good school magazine cover because the picture that is used for the background is a good picture because it shows the reader the reality of being in school as there is a student talking to a teacher. Also there is a boy doing his work which also represents a school. Also there is little writing on the magazine cover so it is easy and simple to read.
However this magazine cover is quite plain. I would use a picture similar to the background picture but I would add a bit of information the magazine will contain.

This is a good school magazine because it has a clear main heading, a sub heading, a cover line, a clear photograph, a colour scheme and small pictures to add some design to the cover. I feel all of these factors are what makes this school magazine cover a good cover. I will be using some of these for my school magazine cover.
However, I have noticed that there is no school logo. Also there is small writing on the cover which makes the reader feel that there is a lot of reading and so they may not want to read the magazine.
This is a similar picture to a picture I will be taking for my magazine cover. This is because this shows older pupils helping younger pupil who need help with their work and do not want to go top teacher about it. This helps students gain confidence and so would make parents want to take their children to this school.
However, my picture will be slightly different because I will be using different camera angles to make the picture more interesting and have the older pupils working with them instead of them smiling.

This group of picture are similar to the picture I will be taking for my magazine cover. These pictures show students helping other students which show that if the pupils of the school help younger pupils if they are struggling with their work.
The reason for why i am wanted to take my picture of pupils helping other pupils is because i feel that picture would be the most suitable picture for my magazine as my magazine is for parents of the pupils to try and convince them to come to Roselands Grammar School.
The photographic technique used in this photograph is that it is taken at a mid to shot. This enables the viewer to see the surrounding of the people and shows the viewer what they are doing. Also the lighting that they have used is a flash from the camers. This also shows what they are doing as a team. This is an amateur picture.
The photographic technique used in this photograph is that it is taken at a mid-shot. This enables the viewer to see what the older pupils are doing as well as what the children are doing. Also the lighting that they have used seems to be the light in the room as well as the flash of the camera. The photo also shows close communication and teamwork as the younger pupils are surrounding the older pupils.
School Magazine Title
I have designed my own school magazine title for Roselands Grammar School. My finished result is shown above.
I decided how my magazine title would look by firstly trying different types of font. My first picture shows that I tried out 32 different fonts and I had to decide which font would suit my school magazine the most.
Once I had decided what type of font I wanted, I had to work out what I could do to this font to make it more unique and my own design. I did this by first tilting the letters and spreading them out to make them seem more interesting and to suit the magazine. Once I don’t this I changed the colour of the writing to the colour I feel is the most suitable. Then I added my own design underneath the writing to make it seem more distinctive. I then tilted the letters the other way as I preferred it that way the most. Then I played around with the thickness of the line underneath and changed the size of the writing and made the ‘R’s bigger.
Once I had done all of this I had found my final design that I will be putting on my school magazine cover.
School Magazine Front Page Drawing
This was my first magazine cover design. This drawing contains the school title at the top of the page. then I decided to put the picture I have taken in the bottom left corner so then there is enough room on the page for the picture and some shapes to put some writing in to show the reader what will be in the magazine.
However, I do not think this magazine cover would work because it does not seem very professional and it also looks quite plain as there would be a lot of empty space.
This is my second magazine cover drawing. I did this cover a bit differently to make it seem more acceptable. I did this by keeping the title of my magazine at the top of the page. I then changed my photograph that I had taken from the bottom left corner of the page to fit the page so then there would not be so much empty space. I also decided to keep the shapes that will have the writing in it and decided to put them all over the page. In addition, I realised that a magazine contains a barcode at the bottom of the page and a date which I realise that I had left out of the first drawing I did.
However, I also think that this magazine cover is not very acceptable because it still looks quite unprofessional. Also there would be too many colours that would be used which would look messy and would also confuse the reader.
This is the final cover design that I did which I have decided to use for my cover page. This is because I kept the title of the magazine at the top because I found out in my research that all of their titles were at the top of the page. I also decided the date for my magazine was not in the most appropriate place so I moved it to the left of the page instead of the right. I kept the background of my magazine with having the picture I had taken as I thought it would look better that way. I also kept my barcode in the same place as I thought that was the most appropriate place to put it. Lastly, I decided that the shapes in which the writing for what the magazine would contain was not very appropriate, so instead I decided to keep in simple and have it written on the left side of the page which will not cover up the picture I had taken and it would be in one colour so it would be simple and easy to read.
School Magazine Cover Photo
These are all of the pictures I have taken for my magazine cover. The scenery I have decided to use for my photograph is to be taken in the library and to have the older students working and helping the younger students with their work and their reading.
I then looked through the pictures I had taken and chose three pictures out of the twenty-four which I felt was the most appropriate for my magazine cover.
I liked this photograph as it shows exactly what I want to show the readers of my magazine. I wanted to show the reader the new buddy system the school is holding which is shown in this picture. It also has a good mid shot view which enables the viewer to see what is happening in the picture.
However, I decided to not have this as my front cover photograph as I did not feel it was the most appropriate as I looks like there is too much doing on in the picture. Also the background is too bright and draws to much attention to it.
This photograph was also one of my favourites as it seemed to be simpler than the last photograph as there are less people. Also it has a good mid-shot view of the surrounding so then you again can see the setting they are in and what they are doing.
However, I do not feel this photograph is the most appropriate again as the background of the picture is too distracting for the viewers and draws the attention away from the main point of the photograph. Also I don’t feel that the people in my picture are concentrating on what I have asked them to do as the younger student is looking away from the book and it does not seem to be appropriate for my magazine cover.
However I would have to edit out the other girl in the photograph as she does not fit. Also the background with the books draws too much attention away from the main subject of the photograph so I would have to edit that in some way.
There are four different tools I used to manipulate this picture.

This is the crop tool that I used to crop the picture to the right shape.

This is the clone stamp tool which is what I used to clone the table over the other girl’s arm to make it more professional.

I then used the lasso tool which I used to select the whole surrounding of the bookcase behind the two girls so I would then be able to blur it.
Once I selected my surrounding I blurred it by doing to following that is shown in the picture.
This is how I was about to get my final picture.
After editing the previous photograph, this is what my final photograph. I did this by editing out the other girl and also cloned the table where her arm was. I also blurred out the background so now the books do not draw away the attention from the people. I also blended it between the people and the background so it didn’t look so sharp.
Proof For School Magazine Cover Page
The first thing I did was taking my manipulated picture and covers the whole page to make the picture the magazine cover itself.
I then took my title that I had previously made and placed it in the place I felt was the most suitable.
I then realised that a school magazine needed a date and a barcode and I did not think that the previous place I put it was the most suitable so I swapped it over to the other side and I placed the bar code where I thought it was most suitable.
I thought my magazine cover looked too plain and then using the research I had previously done and so I wrote some of the topics that would be included inside. I also could not work out where the best place was to have this writing until I got it to the last place.
This is my final front cover design. I did this by following my drawing design I had previously done. The first thing I did was make my edited photograph the background of the magazine. I then added a barcode in the bottom right hand corner to make it seem professional. I then placed my school title and then realised that the previous colour did not match with anything else on the magazine so I decided to use the same colour as the horses on the older student. After I don’t this I did some trial and error when placing it until I decided to place it in the area now. I then realised that the school magazine had to have a date underneath so I decided that the colour, font and the place I put it was the most appropriate. After this I thought that it looked quite plain so I then thought I would add something that would be contained inside as shown on the picture. I had a bit of trouble finding out where to put it and what to put on it but I eventually decided.
Nevertheless, if I had to do this school magazine again I would put more on the cover as I still think that it is quite plain and boring and I don’t think it really looks like a school magazine.
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